Otsego County Wreaths Across America 
Northland's Judy attended the Wreaths Across America ceremony on December 14th. Northland had a tent with homemade cookies and hot chocolate for all attendees. Taps were played on the bugle, and the Boy Scouts presented the flags. The community placed wreaths in 12 cemeteries in Otsego County. On behalf of Northland, Judy raised $2,247.00 for Wreaths Across America. Thank you Judy for your fundraising efforts. Thank you to all who donated and supported the Otsego County Wreaths Across America.
Evart Meet and Greet with Santa
Our Evart branch hosted a holiday celebration, Meet and Greet with Santa, on Friday, December 13th. Evart community members brought their friends and family for complimentary hot cocoa, a coloring contest, and photos with Santa!
2024 Holiday Parades
Many of our Northland branches took part in their local 2024 Holiday Parades! Northland is proud to collaborate with Bedrock Contracting & Excavating each year for the Alpena Holiday Parade! Visit our Facebook page to watch the livestream of the parade if you missed it. Our Oscoda team members had a wonderful time at the Oscoda Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 7th! Thank you to Greta, Kay, and Wendy for passing out candy and celebrating the holidays with the Oscoda community! Our West Branch team members had a great time at their holiday parade on December 14th!
West Branch Stuff a Blue Goose
Our West branch team spent the day collecting donations with the Ogemaw County Marine Corps Toys for Tots! All donations will make a lasting impact on local families. A heartwarming thank you to the West Branch community for your incredible generosity at the Stuff a Blue Goose event on Thursday, December 5th. Thank you to our wonderful West Branch team members for hosting the event at the branch!
Blue Ox Young Professionals Holiday Donations
Northland’s Lexie had a great time wrapping gifts with the young professionals from Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union, Alpena Community Credit Union, HPC Credit Union, and Wolverine State Credit Union! These young professionals devoted time to wrapping gifts for the community, donated by the Blue Ox Chapter of Credit Unions!
Operation Holidays

Our Alpena Branch is accepting new, unwrapped toys for all ages for Operation Holidays! All donations will benefit local families in our community. This is all thanks to the great work of the Vietnam Veterans Chapter 583 of Alpena! Join us in supporting children of all ages this holiday season.
Kalkaska Financial Education
Kalkaska team members spent time with local Kalkaska students to teach them about financial education. Empowering young minds, one financial education lesson at a time! Thank you, Grace and Tim, for making a difference in the Kalkaska community!
Isoco County Veterans Day Luncheon
We were proud to host the 2024 Tawas Veterans Luncheon on Friday, Nov 8th! We kicked off the event with coffee and a gift to all attendees. Northland's Executive Vice President, Jack Eling, welcomed everyone and introduced Ron Whitney, Iosco County Veterans Advocate. The Iosco County Color Guard displayed the flags and led us to the Pledge of Allegiance. Our guest speakers shared inspiring stories of their time serving our country. We thank Trucking Delicious for the delicious meal and the American Legion Audie Johnson 211 for providing a warm and welcoming space. Thank you to all veterans and their loved ones who joined us to celebrate Veterans Day.
Northland Cancer Fundraising
Northland is proud to support Friends Together Alpena! During October, all branches collected donations for Friends Together. We are pleased to announce that our branches raised $2,137.57! Thank you to everyone who showed their support!
Magic in the Midst
Northland’s Jenn & Maisey at Alpena’s Duck Park Magic in the Midst. After the fun on the island, kids warm up at our heater while sipping hot chocolate! Northland also passed out LED bracelets to help guide the way on their magical adventure through the Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary.
Goodwill Northern Michigan - Patriot Place $15,000 Donation
On International Credit Union Day, Northland Area Federal Credit Union is proud to support the important work of Goodwill Northern Michigan - Patriot Place. As the Elan Charitable Giving recipient, they will receive a $15,000 donation to help provide housing and support services for homeless Veterans. Patriot Place is Northern Michigan’s only Veterans transitional housing community for Veterans experiencing homelessness. At Patriot Place, Veterans receive support and stability before moving to permanent housing. We're grateful to Elan Credit Card and the Elan Charitable Giving Foundation for their partnership in making this possible.
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